Category Archives: Rose Report

Will Professional Football Return to SoCal?

By Nathan Falk ’14 Southern California is still a few years away from hosting a Super Bowl, but bringing football back to Los Angeles is not as far off as some may think. The National Football League insists that it wants to be back in LA under the right circumstances and two competing groups say… Continue Reading

Rose Institute hosts talk with Congressman and Majority Whip Kevin McCarthy

On Thursday, April 12th, the Rose Institute and the Kravis Leadership Institute jointly sponsored an Athenaeum talk and meeting with Rose and KLI students with Congressman and House Majority Whip Kevin McCarthy.  McCarthy spoke about his experiences in college, his early career and small business ventures, and his ascension to the California State Assembly, where he was the first freshman Republican legislator in state history elected to assume the top Republican post in the California State Assembly.

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Rose Institute hosts panel discussion of Texas vs. California politics

On April 3rd, the Rose Institute hosted an academic panel at the Marian Miner Cook Athenaeum entitled “As Texas Goes . . . How California Lost Its Edge.” The panel featured Chuck DeVore ’85, a Visiting Senior Scholar for Fiscal Policy at the Texas Public Policy Foundation; Erica Grieder, the southwest correspondent for The Economist; and Eric Helland, the Robert J. Lowe Professor of Economics at Claremont McKenna College. Focusing on policy and demographic differences between California—a state that has witnessed significant economic decline—and Texas, the panel aimed to facilitate a discussion about what California can learn from Texas’s pro-growth policy model.

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2012: Ray Remy receives Rose Award for Public Service

On Saturday March 25th, Ray Remy (CMC ‘59) was awarded the Rose Institute Award for Excellence in Public Service. The Rose Award acknowledges an individual or organization that demonstrates an enduring commitment to exemplary public service. Honor, integrity, leadership, and a philanthropic spirit are among the defining characteristics of this individual or organization.

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Rose Fellow Doug Johnson on Ballot Designation Challenges

On March 23rd, the San Bernardino Sun published an article titled “Ramos funds legal action against opponent Derry, seeking removal of term ‘businessman’.” The article centers on the request of a supporter of Board of Supervisors candidate James Ramos’ for a judge to order Ramos’ opponent, incumbent Niel Derry, to remove the word businessman from Derry’s ballot statement. 

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Minnesota Finalizes New Congressional Maps

Final court-drawn plans that make minimal changes to current Minnesota congressional districts were released February 21, 2012, following nearly a year of stalemate between DFL Governor Mark Dayton and the Republican-held legislature that failed to produce a mutually agreeable map.

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Rose Fellow Doug Johnson on Shifting Demographics

On March 18th, the Pasadena Star News published an article titled “State’s 49th Assembly District home to changing demographic and multi-ethnic coalition”. The article discusses the shifting demographics of the San Gabriel Valley, and the formation of a multi-ethnic coalition, and what these changes mean for the state and the nation. 

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Kentucky Passes Congressional Maps

Kentucky lawmakers reached an agreement over new congressional districts on Friday February 10.  The original deadline for the map was January 31, but was extended to February 7. When the already delayed candidate filing deadline passed without a new map, the issue was taken to court on February 9 by attorney Scott White of Lexington. The potential for court-created districts likely spurred lawmakers to pass a plan that many remain unhappy with. The new congressional districts were passed in the House by a vote 58-26, and 29-7 in the Senate.

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Rose Fellow Doug Johnson on Competitive Local Primary Races

On March 12th, The San Bernardino Sun posted an article titled “California Republican Party announces endorsements picks Miller over Dutton”. The article discussed the Republican Party’s endorsement of longtime lawmaker Rep. Gary Miller the 31st Congressional District seat and the strong competition Miller continues to face from state Sen. Bob Dutton (R). The article also covers the lack of a GOP endorsement for the 8th Congressional District, a large area including most of the eastern end of San Bernardino County and extending northward into Inyo County.

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