In its 2011 redistricting, Ohio may lose two congressional seats, potentially more than any other state in the country. This Rose Report series will analyze the upcoming 2010 election in each of the current districts and what Ohio’s congressional districts are likely to look like after 2012. Congressional redistricting in Ohio is done by the… Continue Reading
Category Archives: Archive
State Supreme Courts
Under the direction of Dr. Miller, the Rose Institute is launching new research on the institutional design and influence of state supreme courts. This project will map state supreme courts on several institutional dimensions, highlighting similarities and differences between them. A primary area of interest is judicial elections. The project will compare procedures for selection… Continue Reading
Tribal Gaming and Riverside County
The Rose’s study investigated the tribal impact on economic development in Riverside County. It found that casinos and gaming, unsurprisingly, contributed to significant economic growth, but that tribes greatly benefited from alternate economic enterprises as well. Continue Reading
Voice of San Diego Fiscal Analysis
The Rose Institute analyzed the budgets of San Diego County and the City of San Diego between 1999 and 2009. Highlighting public spending trends in the wake of San Diego’s early 2000s pension scandal, the Rose Institute published its results with the Voice of San Diego. Continue Reading
Monrovia Citizen Satisfaction Survey
The Rose Institute conducted an in-depth Citizen Satisfaction Survey in 2008 to gauge community interest and input on a wide variety of local issues, services, and programs. The survey results provided information that lead to increased and redirected levels of activity in public information and outreach, youth services, library services and various quality of life initiatives. The Institute used… Continue Reading
Kosmont-Rose Cost of Doing Business Survey
Each year, the Rose Institute publishes the Kosmont-Rose Institute Cost of Doing Business Survey, a comprehensive economic analysis of more than 400 cities across the United States. The survey presents detailed information about fees, taxes, and business incentives for each city, then issues an overall cost rating. This information is used by both business owners considering… Continue Reading
City of Sierra Madre Survey
In 2004 the Rose Institute conducted a survey of public services performance on behalf of the city of Sierra Madre. Residents expressed high satisfaction with the performance of the Fire Department and that local tax revenues were spent effectively to provide quality city services. The survey also gauged support for construction of a new city… Continue Reading
Coachella Valley Surveys
The Rose Institute has conducted six extensive quality of life surveys across the Coachella Valley. The most recent survey, conducted in 2004, highlighted critical problems related to the Valley’s rapidly expanding population as well as unreliable electricity during periods of high demand. The survey also found that Valley residents strongly supported increased taxes to support… Continue Reading
Voice of San Diego Demographic Analysis
The Rose Institute analyzed demographic changes in the city of San Diego and San Diego County from 1970 to 2010. Using California voter registration data as well as U.S. census data, the Institute was able to map the political impact of San Diego population shifts at the tract, neighborhood, and city council district levels. The… Continue Reading
Coachella Valley Development Project
The Rose Institute undertook an extensive project to chart construction and development across the Coachella Valley. We compiled and then digitally mapped he development status of over two hundred parcels to identify parcels as approved, complete, not yet submitted, pending, or under construction. This survey proved invaluable for construction companies, chambers of commerce, as well… Continue Reading