Share Your Rose Story: Liann Bielicki ’24

Although the Rose turns 50 this year, I am pleased to report that the atmosphere still feels as fresh as ever. I especially love the feeling of camaraderie up on the fourth floor. It’s a place where friends can meet to collaborate and work, but also to characterize each other as random categories on the now-traditional “Rosies as [blank]” whiteboard. My personal favorite may have been the “Rosies as Crimes” category, which was full of shameless, hilarious libel. I also find the all-staff meetings to be a great bonding exercise. Hearing everyone’s updates, both project-based and personal, brings us closer together.  In my time at the Rose so far, I have enjoyed working on the Kosmont project as a sophomore and then leading the new hires my junior year. It was interesting to see the evolution of the project from two different perspectives and a very rewarding experience. In this spirit, my “rose” at the Rose Institute is being able to apply my skills in data analytics to gain insights into real-world problems, my “bud” is the upcoming anniversary and getting to connect with Rosies past and present, and my “thorn” is having to leave after graduation next year.