2021 Redistricting: New Rules for California Local Governments
Date: Wednesday, April 15, 2020
Redistricting 2021: New Rules for Local Governments, in Claremont on April 15, will be postponed until further notice. The Rose Institute of State and Local Government takes this action as part of a campus-wide shut down of in-person events by Claremont McKenna College. The Rose Institute hopes to reschedule the conference early in the fall semester.
Centre Concord, Concord, CA – CANCELLED
June 8, 2020
A full day of presentations and panel discussions by California experts on the redistricting process at the local level, applicable law (including new legal requirements for cities and counties), and best practices for local government agencies. Intended for city clerks, city attorneys, elected city officials, county officials, special district officials, and other individuals and organizations involved in the 2020 Census and subsequent redistricting (in 2021).
7:00 AM Registration and Breakfast
8:00 AM Welcome Remarks
8:15 AM Timeline, Outreach Rules, and Public Records Requirements
9:00 AM Criteria for Redistricting
10:30 AM Project Control: Direct, Advisory Commission, Independent Commission
11:30 AM Luncheon Keynote Speaker: Angelo Ancheta, Chairman, California Citizens Redistricting Commission
- “Participatory Redistricting: Opportunities and Challenges in the Post-2020 Cycle”
1:15 PM Engaging the Community
2:00 PM Helpful Hints and Practical Lessons
2:45 PM Concluding Remarks
MCLE credit pending
Other speakers/panelists pending
For sponsorship opportunities, please call 909-607-7572.