Category Archives: Rose Report

California Pension Reform: Gov. Brown and Republicans vs. Democrats?

California’s pension problems are well-documented. According to a report by the Stanford Institute for Economic Policy Research, the state’s public employee pension system is underfunded by $535 billion.  $360 billion would have to be injected into pension and health care benefit systems immediately just to give California an 80 percent chance of meeting 80 percent of the obligations in 16 years.

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2011 Kosmont-Rose Institute Cost of Doing Business Survey Executive Summary

This year, the Rose Institute is proud to release an online preview of the 2011 Kosmont-Rose Institute Cost of Doing Business Survey Executive Summary. The annual Survey uses comprehensive data about fees, taxes, and economic incentives to analyze the relative cost of doing business in 421 cities across the country. The nine-page Executive Summary preview offers an overview of the Survey’s Highlights, discussion of the 20 Most and Least Expensive Cities, a sample of the Executive Summary’s in-depth individual county analyses and useful GIS maps, and excerpts from its big-picture analysis.

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Washington’s New Districts: Looking Ahead

New Years Day looms ever closer for the state of Washington’s independent redistricting commission. Constitutionally, the five-member committee must pass plans for both legislative and congressional districts by January 1st, but as of the end of the business day Friday, the commission remained deadlocked. Committee members vowed to continue working into the weekend to try to reach a compromise before the deadline, but for candidates and voters looking forward to November, the new district lines in Washington are still very much up in the air, despite months of work.

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New Jersey Redistricting: Implications for 2012 and Beyond

On Friday, New Jersey’s bipartisan redistricting commission officially approved the state’s new congressional districts. The commission, which convened on June 15, finished the redistricting process well in advance of the January 17 due date. Overall, the commission’s plan favors the GOP, likely reducing the number of Democratic districts while strengthening Republican districts in the southern… Continue Reading

A history of California’s tax initiatives

On December 5th, Governor Jerry Brown filed an initiative with the California Attorney General’s office which, if passed, would impose a variety of new taxes with the aim of raising nearly $7 billion in revenue. This money would be dedicated funding for education and public safety programs, which have seen enormous cuts as a result of the recent and ongoing budget crisis. If approved by the voters, the initiative would institute two new taxes. First, individuals making $250,000 or more would pay up to 2% higher income taxes for five years, and second, the state sales tax would be temporarily increased by 0.5%, up to 7.75%, through 2017. 

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Despite a high cost rating by Kosmont-Rose Cost of Doing Busines Survey, Santa Monica remains attractive to businesses

On December 3rd, the Santa Monica Daily Press published an article titled “Worth the cost.” After stating that the Kosmont-Rose Cost of Doing Business Survey rates Santa Monica as one of the most expensive cities in the nation in which to do business, the article explores the reasons why so many companies flock to the… Continue Reading