Steven Maviglio (the guy is fast) had the first online mention, a pre-emptive strike, at California Majority Report this morning:
Schwarzenegger has endorsed every variety of redistricting to come down the pike. Nevermind the details that could likely tilt map-making into the hands of Republicans. Nevermind that there’s no similar system anywhere in the United States. Nevermind that it would put the complex of drawing the state’s lines into the hands of amateurs. Yet there’s no doubt that the editorial boards will praise him to high heaven, given their fantasyland notion that redistricting alone will somehow transform California politics.
That damned biased media, eh? How were those morons so easily fooled into this fantasyland notion, I wonder? Regardless, the bloggers amongst them have already filed a few reports.
Shane Goldmacher over at the Bee‘s Capitol Alert (also fast) had the first online news report before the press conference was held.
John Myers of KQED has the blogged eye witness account at Capitol Notes with some initial thoughts:
So will the governor start dialing for dollars? He is, after all, a force to be reckoned with when it comes to campaign fundraising. Schwarzenegger didn’t address the cash issue when I asked the question, but did say he would be out collecting signatures to qualify the measure. And today’s event was orchestrated by his cadre of campaign consultants… a pretty good sign that he’s in it all the way.
Tom Chorneau of the San Francisco Chronicle got his article out the door quickly as well:
While there’s some speculation that the governor’s redistricting proposal could be used to pressure the Legislature’s Democratic majority to come to agreement on those issues, Schwarzenegger has said since jumping into the recall campaign in 2003 that redistricting authority should not be held by the Legislature.
AP report by Laura Kurtzman in the San Jose Mercury News, among other places.
Nothing at the Gov’s site, yet.
I’m sure by the end of the day there will be plenty more articles on the subject: just keep checking Google News here.
Brian Leubitz of Calitics is a little more moderate than Maviglio: “There are positives and negatives here.”
See our previous posts on the California Voters FIRST redistricting reform initiative here:
Redistricting Reform Update<
Online Commentary on Latest Redistricting Initiative
Latest Redistricting Reform News & Views
Redistricting Initiative in L.A. Times, Sacramento Bee
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