The number of redistricting commission applications is now over 21,000!
Clearly, Californians are eager to tackle the challenge of drawing legislative districts in public for the benefit of the people and voters, not for the incumbents and political insiders.
Acknowledging the surge in interest, the California State Auditor (who is in charge of the application process) extended the initial application deadline from its original February 12 to the new deadline of 5PM on Tuesday, February 16th.
It is exciting to see people from every geographic and demographic corner of California step up to serve. But it is still important to ensure that we get the right people to apply. Will you sign up now? The initial application takes only about 20 minutes to complete. Go to to apply.
Learn more about who is qualified and what the job will entail from the Redistricting Collaborative at Generously funded by the Irvine Foundation, the collaborative is a coalition of redistricting outreach and education organizations including the Rose Institute.
The Institute’s live charting feature provides continuously-updated charts of applications by ethnicity, political party, and region. More numbers are available live from the State Auditor’s website.
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