This evening the California State Auditor released revised regulations governing the selection process for California’s 2011 Independent Redistricting Commission.
You can download the revised regulations and a memo describing the changes. Full details are available on the Auditor’s website. Final comments on the proposed regulations are due on October 15th.
Those following Rose Institute news will note that October 15th is the same day as the Rose Institute’s conference, Redistricting, The 2010 Census, and Your Budget, which will include a panel discussion of Proposition 11 and the changes it is bringing to California redistricting.
The Rose Institute will post analysis of the new regulations once we have had a chance to digest them, but for now we wish to express our appreciation to State Auditor Elaine Howle and her entire staff. They have put a ton of work into a task that was assigned to them — against their wishes — by Proposition 11, and they are worthy of commendation for the spirit and dedication they put into a very difficult challenge.
UPDATE: those interested in the revised regulations may also be interested in the comments submitted earlier to the Auditor by the coalition of “good government” groups (including the Rose Institute): click to download cover letter and/or the detailed appendix of suggested changes.  Additional comments were also submitted earlier to the Auditor by a group of three civil rights groups.
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