President of AARP California Supports of Prop 11

In an opinion piece in the San Jose Mercury News, Jeannine English, president of the AARP of California, argues for the adoption of Proposition 11 in California. The AARP is one of the founding backers of the initiative and the Voters First campaign, of which Jeannine English is a campaign co-chair, so her writing this is not unexpected.

Proposition 11 will ensure that communities, neighborhoods and cities are not divided simply to guarantee the re-election of incumbent legislators. It will embed the Voting Rights Act into our state constitution and put into place an open and transparent redistricting process. Specifically, the initiative states that “the commission must establish and implement an open-hearing process for public input and deliberation that shall be subject to public notice and promoted through a thorough outreach program to solicit broad public participation in the redistricting public review process.”

Other previous opinion pieces on Proposition 11:

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